Albert Einstein said “Time is an illusion”. What did he mean?

A few weeks before Albert Einstein’s death he wrote a letter to the family of a recently deceased friend in which he wrote, “For people like us who believe in physics, the separation between past, present and future has only the importance of an admittedly tenacious illusion.”

I can’t speak for Einstein, but having come to the same realisation myself, not through physics but through rigorous internal enquiry, my understanding of time is that it is not as real as we think.

And therein lies the answer to Einstein’s meaning.

Time (past & future) is a co-created thought construct that is only held in place by our collective belief in it.

When the imagined divisions between past, present & future dissolve, time collapses and the true nature of our reality reveals itself as timeless, eternal, and all happening now.

In this state of consciousness, time is seen for what it truly is: a dream-like figment of our imagination that we project outward.

This sentiment is echoed by wisdom traditions the world over. Indigenous cultures have long known that the function of the mind is to dream. “Visioning” is to dream forward (future). “Remembering” is to dream backward (past). The otherworld is the imagination.

When this is understood, time travel takes on a whole new meaning!

アルバート・アインシュタインは「時間は幻想である」と言いました。 彼はどういう意味でしたか?







この感情は世界中の知恵の伝統に反映されています。 先住民の文化では、心の機能は夢を見ることであると長い間知られていました。 「ビジョニング」とは、前(未来)を夢見ること。 「思い出す」とは、逆(過去)を夢見ること。 異世界は想像力です。




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